My Journey

Saturday, February 6, 2016

I just finished my seventh 30 day challenge with CSATTFITNESS.
The scale didn't move as much as I had hoped but I know I did the best I could with all workouts and my nutrition. One thing that I did accomplish was ACV shots for 30 in a row. ( ACV- Apple Cidar Vinegar).

My Goals for February are to in read my water intake and my up cardio. 

One thing that I found myself doing more this last challenge than others is comparing myself to other people in our FitFAM. Lets be honest, I'm human, It does happen. When you compete in  these challenges it can be hard to not compare yourself to other peoples transformations. I am thankful for   a great support system within my FITFAM to bring me back to reality when I let my head wonder.

I have to remember this is my journey.


I am no where near perfect. I'm always striving make myself better. It's day in and day out of pushing yourself at the gym and sticking to clean eating with a cheat meal occasionally. Cody Sattler says summer bodies are made during the winter. 2016 is my year to rock a bikini.

Here are a few before and after pictures from my last 30 Day challenge in January. 

I lost several inches in my waist
Lost a few inches and bloating from the holidays.
I am proud of how far I came in 30 days. It's a process. I make deposits in the gym each day and they are adding up. You 

If you would like to sign up for the next 30 Day challenge with CSATTFITNESS you can visit to sign up. The cost is $69.

The challenge will include:About-Tech-2

The next challenge starts on Monday Feburary 8, 2016.



1 comment :

  1. I can't believe you've been with CSATT for almost a year! You've grown so much since April.. Mentally, spiritually, physically, muscle-ly 😜! You look amazing and I can't wait to see you rock that bikini this summer! 😘😘
