The 30 Day Challenge

Monday, November 23, 2015

I just completed my sixth 30 day challenge with

 I started my first 30 day Challenge in April of this year and will be starting my 7th challenge on November 30th.

I have lost 30 pounds through this lifestyle change. I went from a size 18 to a size 12. My goal is to reach single digits by my Birthday in March of 2016.  I still have lots of goals for myself but I know that I can accomplish them with the support of my FITFAM and CSATTFITNESS. 

How I came to follow Cody on Social Media -

Cody Sattler appeared on Season 10 of the Bachelorette (Andi Dorfmans Season). My first thoughts of Cody on this show were that he was passionate and had an appetite for life.  Cody was eliminated in week 6 of the Bachelorette. Cody also appeared on the Bachelor in Paradise with a former Bachelor contestant Michelle Money from Season 15. I loved seeing the love story develop between these two and began following them on Instagram after the show. (Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic and yes, I love me some Reality TV. )

How I discovered the 30 Day Challenge

I came across the 30 Day Challenge on Cody Sattler instagram. I could not believe the transformation photos. I was in complete shock of the transformations of these peoples bodies in just 30 days. I could not believe how Amazing they were.  These photos were amazing that I clicked on the link to find out more information.

Cody started the first 30 Day Challenge in December of 2014.  He is coming up to his 1 year anniversary of having this online fitness program next Month

What is the 30 day Challenge: The 30 day Challenge is a challenge that goes for 30 days and is run through CSATTFITNESS. (Cody Sattlers Business) 

What is included in the 30 Day Challenge: You will receive weekly nutrition plans, weekly fitness plans, daily inspirational Blogs/emails (written by  Cody Sattler himself), weekly Spreecasts led by Cody( these are similar to a live webcast, in which Cody will answer questions live and give feedback and tips for the following week) you will also have access to cody his team through email and lastly you will receive access to the private CSATTFITTNES Facebook page.

The Nutrition Plan: The nutrition plan is very realistic. You will be eating real foods including : protein, fruit, veggies, brown rice and sweet potatoes.  There are sample menus that are provided. You also will receive a nutrition E-book that gives helpful information on the "approved foods list" and the "foods to avoid list." 

The Workout Plan: The workout plans do change weekly. It is a challenge so these workouts are set up to challenge you. Cody has links to every exercise he has on the fitness plan that is linked to a video showing you the correct form and how to do each exercise  (The workouts typically take me 60-90 minutes)

The Daily Blog: The daily blog is written by Cody Sattler each day. The blogs include lots of positive quotes and encouragement.  

The Spreecast: During the Challenge you will have 4 Sunday Spreecasts. These spreecasts are live webcasts where cody talks for about an hour and answers questions that you submit and also gives inspirational talks and feedback. ( I love watching these. The spreecasts always give me the best mindset to start my week.)

The Private Facebook Page:  You will receive access to the private Facebook page for CSATTFITNESS. (This is probably one of the best things about this Challenge. You will meet people from all over the world who are sharing the same journey with you. They will help motivate you and push you. This group is full of wonderful, positive people that are there for you 24/7. I know that I have been so successful with my weight loss journey because of all of the love and support I have received from so many people that are going through the same lifestyle change that I am.) 

The next challenge is going to start on November 30, 2015. 

How much does it cost : $99.00 ( This may seem like a lot of money but remember you get to keep all of your weekly food plans, weekly workout plans, email blogs with motivation and tips) There is  a discount for repeat challengers.

There is also an incentive in these challenges. Well,  actually 2 now :

* Top Transformation 1st Place- Wins $5,000 dollars, and a whole day with Cody Sattler. He will fly out to your city and do a 1 on 1 training session,  enjoy a day of fun as well as an amazing dinner. 

* The 2nd Place- Wins $1,000 dollars.

If you are even thinking you might be interested in doing this challenge DO IT!!!

These challenges have changed my life. You will gain so much knowledge on food and nutrition and the best part is feeling supported and encouraged throughout the process. I have tried multiple weight loss programs including : Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and the Paleo diet.  I never received the results that I have with any other program. I can tell you with every part of my heart and soul this challenge WORKS...  Cody gives you so much knowledge and information on nutrition and explains what each exercise is and what body part it works out. I have learned that this process is a lifestyle change. I no longer say that I'm on a diet. I still have occational treat meals and wine. I have learned balance and consistency over the past 6 challenges. I will be signing up for my 7th Challenge on 11/30/15. 

Can you imagine going into 2016 strong and healthier than you are today?

2016 is only 6 weeks away. 

I know..... The Holidays are upon us. You're probably thinking,  I will start after New Years. I can promise you there is no right time to start these challenges.  There will always be a birthday, a dinner party, a holiday, a BBQ or an event. There will NEVER be a "perfect, " time to start. You just have to take the bull by the horns and do it.

To sign up for the next challenge click here CSATTFITNESS. You can put my name down as a referral if you sign up.

It's never easy to post these personal pictures. But if I can inspire 1 person to do this challenge than the blog post is worth it. 



( The picture on the left is before I started 30 Day Challenge on 4/6/2015 and the picture on the right is current ( taken on 11/16/15. )


  1. Your hardwork definitely shows D!
    - Candace

  2. Your hardwork definitely shows D!
    - Candace

    1. Thanks Babe xoxoxoxoxo Your awesome and doing Fantastic. Congrats on your Victory today!!!

  3. Your pics are phenomenal! I am so glad I met you and I live your blog!

    1. Darcy your awesome girl! Love you. Thanks for the support! It's sooo appreciated xo

  4. Love it! Preach it FitFam Sista! Definitely the BEST program out there!

    1. Yes! I feel guilty not to share something that is so successful :)

  5. Congratulations! Enjoy this beautiful journey!

  6. You are really truly inspiring Danielle! And I'm excited to have your blog on my bloglist!

  7. You not only look healthier, but happier! Great job on all of your hard work. I'm curious if Cody's nutrition plan can accommodate vegetarians.

  8. Danielle, I just want to say its so refreshing how real and relatable you are. I am excited to follow your blog. I hope to one day gain the self confidence to put myself out there like you do. Really wish I would have made the trip to Chicago. You and Mela are a hoot. Keep being you girl and thanks for the inspiration to keep working towards a better me. :)

  9. Wow!!! I love your blog!! I just signed up with Cody so let's see how it goes!!!
