30 Day Challenge with CSATTFITNESS Giveaway !!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015 has been one of the best years of my life.  

I have been beyond blessed this year with many opportunities. I think a lot of those opportunities presented themselves once I began my first challenge with CSATTFITNESS.

It's time for me to pay it forward.

Do you want to win a free 30 Day Challenge memberhship with CSATTFITNESS? You get to work with Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise contestant Cody Sattler. Cody is the founder and Trainer for CSATTFITNESS.

What is the 30 day Challenge: The 30 day Challenge is a Fitness Challenge that lasts for 30 days and is run through CSATTFITNESS (Cody Sattlers Business) 

What is included in the 30 Day Challenge: You will receive weekly nutrition plans, weekly fitness plans, daily inspirational Blogs/emails (written by  Cody Sattler himself), weekly Spreecasts led by Cody( these are similar to a live webcast, in which Cody will answer questions live and give feedback and tips for the following week) you will also have access to cody his team through email and lastly you will receive access to the private CSATTFITTNES Facebook page.

The Nutrition Plan: The nutrition plan is very realistic. You will be eating real foods including : protein, fruit, veggies, brown rice and sweet potatoes.  There are sample menus that are provided. You also will receive a nutrition E-book that gives helpful information on the "approved foods list" and the "foods to avoid list." 

The Workout Plan: The workout plans change weekly. It is a challenge so these workouts are set up to challenge you. Cody has links to every exercise he has on the fitness plan that is linked to a video showing you the correct form and how to do each exercise  (The workouts typically take me 60-90 minutes)

The Daily Blog: The daily blog is written by Cody Sattler each day. The blogs include lots of positive quotes and encouragement.  

The Spreecast: During the Challenge you will have 4 Sunday Spreecasts. These spreecasts are live webcasts where cody talks for about an hour and answers questions that you submit and also gives inspirational talks and feedback. ( I love watching these. The spreecasts always give me the best mindset to start my week.)

The Private Facebook Page You will receive access to the private Facebook page for CSATTFITNESS. (This is probably one of the best things about this Challenge. You will meet people from all over the world who are sharing the same journey with you. They will help motivate you and push you. This group is full of wonderful, positive people that are there for you 24/7. I know that I have been so successful with my weight loss journey because of all of the love and support I have received from so many people that are going through the same lifestyle change that I am.) 

* Top Two Transformations win prizes at the end of the 30 Day Challenge:

Top Transformation 1st Place- Wins $5,000 dollars, and a whole day with Cody Sattler. He will fly out to your city and do a 1 on 1 training session,  enjoy a day of fun as well as an amazing dinner. 

 2nd Place- Wins $1,000 dollars.

The Next Challenge begins on Monday January 4, 2015.

 How to enter:

*  Share this post on your Facebook page

*  Leave a comment below telling me why I should choose you.

*  Be sure to include your First and Last name in the comment as well as your email address.

* All entries must be received my 11:59PM ET on Thursday 12/31/2015.

One winner will be chosen and announced on Friday January 1, 2016.

If you are not chosen as the winner but would like to participate in the next 30 day challenge click on this link www.csattfitness.com. The next challenge starts on 1/4/2016.



Do you know your self worth?

Sunday, December 27, 2015

" If you don't go after what you want, You'll never have it"
" If you don't ask the answer is always No."
"If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place."
                                                                                       ~Nora Roberts

Two weeks ago I received a message from my boss asking me to call her. I typically talk with her over email and lynch messenger so I knew whatever it was, it must be important. I called her right away. My Boss told me they were giving me a raise. I was beyond thrilled and even shocked.

About two months prior to this phone call I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed with my job. I was working through most of my lunches and even coming in on weekends to take care of work. This last year was a very hectic one. The madness started to catch up with me and I started feeling resentful of my work. After several months of feeling like I wasn't really, "loving," my position I decided to schedule a phone conference with my boss. My boss accepted the meeting  and told me she was available right away. 

It was at that moment I felt my nerves.. I was nervous..  I had never called a Boss to express frustration in a job before. I wasn't sure how she would take it.  

I made the call and was so happy at the response of my Boss. She listened to me completely and asked what she could do to help. I was so HAPPY in this moment. To feel compassion and understanding from your Boss is Huge.

After that call we had lunch a few weeks later and I was told that they were going to take some of the work I was doing and distribute it to another Recruiter. I also was given the reigns to control a few more things that I do daily.

Then I received the call about my Salary. 

After receiving the call from my boss I became emotional for  several reasons.  The first being that I realized that I work for an amazing Company that values my work and worth. Second that I have such a wonderful Boss that listens and cares about me and my work.  Third being I was so happy and proud that I stuck up for myself. 

I think back to jobs that I have had previously and I never had the confidence to speak up for myself.

This year has been such a wonderful year with my weight loss journey. I realize while I am transforming the outside I'm also transforming the inside.  :)

It may have taken me almost 32 years but I think I am finally realizing my self worth. 


